Vegan Fiesta Hellas

What is Vegan Fiesta Hellas?

Vegan Fiesta Hellas will be an event dedicated to veganism and its promotion.
Veganism is the way of life according to which humans avoid contributing to activities and products produced through the abuse of animals. So someone who is a vegan does not eat or buy animal products, such as meat, dairy, eggs and honey, does not wear fur, leather, wool, silk, does not use cosmetics, detergents or other products that have been tested on laboratory animals and does not visit circuses and parks with captive animals.

A diet without animal products might seem boring, unhealthy or even expensive. At Vegan Fiesta you will see that this is not the case and you will be able to try healthy and delicious products and learn about the advantages that veganism offers to our health, the environment and animals.